When To Hire An Attorney After a Car Accident (5 Signs To Call Now!)

If you are injured in a car accident because of someone else’s neglect, you have rights under the law.

Hiring the right personal injury lawyer to help you navigate through this confusing and stressful time can ensure you and your family are protected both financially and personally.

Here are 5 signs you should hire a personal injury lawyer:

  1. The negligent party that caused the accident has not reported the incident to their insurance company. And/or that insurance company has not promptly contacted you.
  2. You are being asked to sign a medical authorization that allows the insurance company to access medical records that are private and have nothing to do with your case.
  3. The insurance company is creating a sense of urgency to “hurry up” and accept a settlement amount on your claim.
  4. You feel you are not being treated fairly on the settlement of your damaged vehicle.
  5. The insurance adjuster you are dealing with is rude, indifferent or unresponsive.

If you have been involved in a crash and are experiencing any of these, you need to find and call a personal injury lawyer. And one who has successfully handled hundreds of accident cases and helped victims get compensation by pursuing the insurance company that insures the negligent driver.

We are here to help you through this difficult time, call us at 417-890-6677 or fill out a contact form.

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Larson & Miller Injury Law
3331 East Ridgeview Street
Springfield, MO 65804